Three Reasons to Get Vocal Lessons Before Heading Into the Studio

You spend months and months prepping your songs, critiquing your writing, organizing all of the parts, why skimp out on vocal training? The vocal take can make or break your entire song and it’s important to hire a coach who can guide you during your recording process. Read more!

We are going to nip this right in the bud—needing vocal lessons does not make you a bad vocalist. In fact, it makes you the best kind of vocalist: one who puts product and progress before pride! Just as the best authors need editors for their novels, and the most successful therapists need a professional of their own, and every great cosmetologist needs someone else to apply their touch-up color, so do we vocalists need vocal coaches. Whether you’re doing a few gigs a month at your local brewery or you’re Lady Gaga on tour, every vocalist benefits from a vocal coach

  1.  Studio Stamina and Spot-Training

Whether you are in the studio for a few hours or a few days, take after take of vocals can 

be taxing on anyone’s cords. Add any nerves or jitters into the mix and you may find your voice is just not as controlled as you’d like for it to be, or lasting in quality throughout the day. Then you get frustrated and start to spiral, which only makes matters worse. Many singers start to get fatigued after just a couple takes. A few great lessons can help with all of this.

As vocalists, we have to know when to “bring it,” and when to bring it back. A vocal coach will teach you about how to conserve your vocal energy for the whole session, how to make the hard stuff sound and feel easy, and what to do to give yourself rest throughout the recording process. You will learn how to give it your all while still pacing yourself. You can even select a coach that works specifically with session musicians to ensure you are getting the best expertise for the studio. Many of these coaches will work with you on the specific song(s) you plan on recording to help perfect your product and map out a vocal plan for each tune, touching on so many areas of technique so you are good to go for the whole session. Which leads us to our next point…

2. Sustainability

Coaches who have studied and trained in-depth are so knowledgeable on the human voice and its mechanics. In addition to maintaining stamina throughout the session, a vocal coach can teach you how to properly take care of your instrument long-term so that you can rely on and build a career around it. A huge part of that maintenance is dependent upon properly warming up and down (yes, down!), engaging breath rather than muscle, and other basic techniques to correct unhealthy or damaging singing. Vocal lessons can provide so many easy tools and exercises to get you on the right track.

You may have seen vocalists (or are one, yourself) who can do crazy riffs and runs, “screlt,” or add a rasp to their tone that feels so soulful, but quickly feel or sound tired, strained, or even experience pain after just an hour of gigging, or long days in the studio. We’re sure you’ve heard this a hundred times, but just in case— it should never be painful to sing. If you are experiencing pain while singing, that is a giant red flag that you could hugely benefit from just a little coaching to ensure healthy singing and avoid vocal fatigue or even injury. Remember— you don’t have to give up your unique sound and magic in order to sing healthily and sustainably, but integrating those things will take trust and patience. You’ve got this!

3. Awareness

Lastly but probably most importantly, another set of trained ears and eyes will be able to help you become more aware of your particular vocal strengths, pitfalls, and all details in between regarding your unique vocal constitution. Once you start vocal lessons, you will be shocked at how many vocal habits you have developed that you weren’t even aware of. Not only that, but your coach will show you how to lean further into your strengths and develop your weaknesses. For example:

If you tend to sound nasally on certain vowels or within a certain range, your vocal coach will help to identify those tendencies and give you tips and tricks to fix your tone that you can apply quickly in the studio. If you have a well-developed belt or chest voice but struggle to maintain a healthy mixed or floaty head voice, or if you have a gorgeous breathy tone but want to build more power and presence into your voice, your coach will be able to show you short and long-term exercises to help melt those registers together. You might find that you sound really “pinched” or strained during high notes which feels entirely out of your control, but a vocal coach may easily identify tension in your neck and shoulders and show you how to remedy that. Many of the best vocal coaches incorporate methods and solutions that seemingly have nothing to do with the voice itself; including breathing exercises, stretches and yoga or meditation, lifestyle changes, and more. Trust them, and you will get to know your instrument  a lot better. You know what they say, the first step toward change is awareness.

If you’re planning to head into the studio soon to record a single, EP, or full-length album, we at Studio 45b could not recommend quality vocal lessons enough. It’s about more than just “sounding better.” It’s about knowing yourself and your voice, and making sure it lasts you a long, long time. Afterall, it is your livelihood! Or at least it’s what brings you a ton of joy. Either way, it’s worth the investment. 

If you’re feeling convinced, Studio 45b offers a chance to connect right now with our professional vocal coach, Danielle Todd. Danielle has 17 years of experience performing, and draws from her own expertise, teachings from top industry professionals, and your specific needs as a vocalist to work on tone, vocal agility, vocal range, timbre, strength, and more. Everything from practical warm-ups, to emotional connection within your vocals, to singing through nerves, to developing the very fundamentals that define your artistic expression, Danielle will elevate your technique and artistry. Ready to chat? Reach out to book a consultation and we’ll talk about exactly what you want and need to take your musicianship to the next level.

We want you to feel healthy, confident, and prepared to come into the studio. Let’s connect today!

***Written by Singer/Songwriter Kayla Lunden ***

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5 things that make a strong song - it’s not what you think!

5 Things That Make a Strong Song

First off, lets remember that music is subjective. What you think is a great song, some others might not like at all. Always keep that in mind when you’re writing, or entering the studio. There is only one you in this world, and your unique musical palette is what will ultimately set you aside from other artists in the industry.

Okay! Let’s get to our five points.

  1. Really know the purpose of your song.

There are a lot of reasons why musicians write and record. For example, perhaps you have lost a friend and you’d like to write a song to express your emotions around your loss. Maybe you are writing a song to release specifically to country radio in the USA and compete with other A-list country artists on the charts. You could also be looking to get onto a specific editorial playlist on Spotify, or Apple music. Whatever the true purpose of the song is, understanding your song goals can really help you during the recording process and even the writing process.

Lets take the second example and expand a little more on this. If you are looking to record a #1 song in the USA, then chances are you need to fit into a certain genre of music and you need to really know that genre. It would be a good idea to research all of the #1 singles in the last couple of years so you can follow production trends, lyrical trends, and melody trends. This is not to say to copy another persons #1, but if your goal is to be on top, you need to know what’s already at the top of the mountain so you can shoot and aim for it!

Like we said, there are many reasons to write and record a song. Having a better understanding of your songs purpose will help you write, produce, mix and master it so that your song has the best chance of reaching it’s full potential.

2. Space.

It is so important in production to give your song space. There are exceptions to every rule, but in general, having room to breathe between verses, or even between phrases really allows your mind to process the message of the song, or the message of a particular line. Sometimes productions can be overwhelming and having that little break can create a moment for the listener to process what they’re hearing.

Space can also be used creatively when you’re creating tension for a strong build. For example, if there is a point in your song with an intense production, it might be a good technique to take every instrument away suddenly, and just have the vocals in the recording. A similar example of this would be Zedd and Maren Morris in “The Middle,” where in the very first chorus, it drops to just vocals and a ticking clock sound, after having a pretty full production leading up to that moment.

Space is vital to create dynamics and make the music breathable. Take a listen to your own songs and see if there are places where you can create some breathing room.

3. Creating a unique vocal production.

Vocal production can often be overlooked in a recording session. Singer/songwriters can have a tendency of writing the song, and singing it exactly the same way as the first day they wrote it when they walk into the studio to record. While you want to have some melodies set in place before entering the studio, it is incredibly beneficial to have an open mind to suggestions on vocal recording days.

Lets start with harmony. One of the Queen’s of harmony in country music is Cam. Check out her song, “Diane,” which kicks off with acapella harmony. This is both powerful on a recording, but also in a live setting. Imagine being in a theatre and having the opening song just live vocals? It’s such a moving moment in a set, and on a recording.

How about vocal call backs? One of the easiest examples of this is Motown music. For a modern version of this, check out “Uptown Funk” by Bruno Mars. Take a listen and try to pay attention to all the detail in the backing vocals. The vocal production in this song is absolutely incredible. A vocal baseline, with vocal pads, call backs in the pre-chorus, and an absolutely untouchable lead vocal. The vocal production on this song is what makes it so catchy, memorable and different. (Okay, there’s also a ton of production on here that isn’t vocal production, but you get what we mean!)

Once the vocals are tracked, including harmony, vocal pads (oo’s and ah’s), and a strong unique lead vocal, its time to mix and master the vocals. This is the last step in vocal production and one that you do not want to skimp out on.

4. Emotional connection.

It goes without saying that your audience needs to be emotionally connected to your music. But lets take a closer look - how can your music be emotionally connected to your song?

It is crucial to find a producer that understands your song. What emotion are you trying to convey? What are the lyrics about? Are they happy, sad, inspirational? Your production should align with these emotions.

To list a few songs that emotionally connected with their lyrics, take a listen to “Happy,” by Pharrell Williams (sorry in advance, this song will now be stuck in your head for days!) But lets be honest here, can you think of a “happier” sounding song? Take the lyrics away and listen to the melody and production. That song is upbeat, exciting, cheerful and makes you want to dance. Pharrell and his team found a way to make this song explode with happy endorphins. It is a great example of how important it is for the lyrics to emotionally connect with the production.

On the flip side, Adele’s song “Someone Like You,” focuses on a sad, nostalgic breakup. Can you think of a more successful sad song in modern years? It goes without saying that Adele’s vocals are on point, and convey her emotions on every level. The imperfections in the vocal take make you feel like she is almost on the verge of tears when she is singing it. Her lyrics and subtle vocal inflections take you on a journey, taking you back to the very moment of her breakup, evoking the same emotions within you. You barely notice the piano in the background, and the subtle vocal production changes throughout the song because you’re so immersed in her story. The producer on this song knew when to step back and give Adele the space she needed to knock this song out of the park. This emotional connection is powerful.

5. Be You.

Okay, we get it. You’ve heard this before. But it’s true. You need to be authentically, loudly, fearlessly, unapologetically yourself for your music to stand out and become a work of art. Nobody in the world has the same ideas that you have floating around in your brain. You need to shine in your songwriting, vocals, and production. If you don’t set yourself apart from other artists in the industry, you will fall by the wayside. Trust yourself, your instincts and believe in your craft. You will thank yourself for it later.

Think of Lady Gaga, Adele, Zach Bryan, Cody Johnson, Elvis, Johnny Cash, Dolly Parton. These are all incredibly successful artists that stood up for what they believe in and didn’t waver, while paving the way for artists to follow. They made their stamp and changed the music industry.

Do it. Be you. See what happens.

6. Bonus! High quality recording.

We couldn’t let you leave without explaining the importance of hiring a team that knows their craft inside and out to help make you sound the best you possibly can. Heading into a studio can be overwhelmingly intimidating. You need to have a team on your side that believes in you and wants to help you create your unique masterpiece.

Pick a studio, engineer, producer and session musicians who are experienced, have a great track record, listen to you, and who you feel comfortable and confident working with. Don’t be afraid to speak up and call the final shots.

We are here to say that if you have an amazing song, with killer vocals and a great backing band, you need to have a high quality mix and master of this track or it will not get the recognition it deserves. Do not bring your music this far without making sure you spend the proper amount of care on polishing and refining it. It has to have a radio standard quality for anybody in the industry to give it the time of day.

Now that we’ve covered 5 points that make your song amazing, what are some points that you have to work on? Are there any other points that you would add?

We believe in you and want you to succeed. Contact us today if you feel like you are ready to start your recording process.

***Written by Danielle Todd***

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